Tenses Bahasa Inggris Penjelasan Dan Contohnya

Tenses Bahasa Inggris Penjelasan Dan Contohnya

Tenses Bahasa Inggris Penjelasan Dan Contohnya. Pada pelajaran bahasa inggris tentu tidak akan terlepas dengan yang namanya Tenses. Karena untuk bisa Mahir Bahasa Inggris kita pun perlu mengenal Apa itu Tenses? Tenses merupakan sebuah kategori tata bahasa (grammar) yang biasanya menggunakan kata kerja (verb), kemudian di kaitkan dengan waktu penggunaanya.

Itu Artinya, Tenses merupakan pembedaan bentuk dari kata kerja, lebih tepatnya untuk menyatakan perbedaan waktu dan durasi dari suatu perbuatan atau kejadian. Berikut berupa rangkuman 16 bentuk tenses dalam bahasa inggris. Mulai dari simple present tense, present continouse tense, present perfect tense, present perfect continouse tense dan lainnya.

Lebih jelas dan lengkap bisa melihat tabel berikut ini:

16 Tenses Dalam Bahasa Inggris

SimpleContinousPerfectPerfect Continuous
PresentSimple Present TensePresent Continous TensePresent Perfect TensePresent Perfect Continuous Tense
PastSimple Past TensePast Continous TensePast Perfect TensePast Perfect Continuous Tense
FutureSimple Future TenseFuture Continous TenseFuture Perfect TenseFuture Perfect Continuous Tense
Past FuturePast Future TensePast Future Continous TensePast Future Perfect TensePast Future Perfect Continuous

Baca Juga: Soal Bahasa Inggris IV ELLIPTICAL CONSTRUCTION di Sertai Jawaban

Penjelasan Dan Contoh Tenses Bahasa Inggris Dalam Bentuk “Present”

1. Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense biasanya digunakan untuk menunjukan sebuah fakta, kebiasaan dan keadaan umum yang terjadi pada saat sekarang.

Rumus Fungsi Positif:

Subject + Verb/ Verb-S/es + Complement
Subject + am/are/is + Complement
  • I work hard to achieve success
  • He works hard to achieve success
  • You are smart
  • She is smart

Rumus Fungsi Negatif:

Subject + do/does not + verb1 + Complement
Subject + am/are/is + not + Complement
  • I do not work hard to achieve success
  • He does not work hard to achieve success
  • You are not smart
  • She is not smart

Rumus Fungsi Interogatif

Do/does + Subject + Verb1 + Complement?
am/are/is + Subject + Complement?
  • Do I work hard to achieve success?
  • Does he work hard to achieve success?
  • Are you smart?
  • Is she smart ?

2. Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense biasanya digunakan untuk membicarakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung. Kemudian keutamaan dari tense ini adalah keberadaan durasi waktu pada kata kerjanya.

Rumus Fungsi Positif

Subject + am/are/is + Verb-ing + Complement
  • We are playing football.

Rumus Fungsi Negatif

Subject + am/are/is + not + Verb-ing + Complement
  • We are not playing football.

Rumus Fungsi Interogatif

am/are/is + Subject + Verb-ing + Complement?
  • Are we playing football?

3. Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense biasanya di gunakan untuk menunjukan berupa kejadian atau aksi yang sudah selesai dan menekankan pada hasilnya

Rumus Fungsi Positif

Subject + has/have + Verb3 + Complement
  • I have finished my work
  • She has finished her work

Rumus Fungsi Negatif

Subject + has/have + not + Verb3 + Complement
  • I have not finished my work
  • She has not finished her work

Rumus Fungsi Interogatif

has/have + Subject + Verb3 + Complement?
  • Have I finished my work?
  • Has she finished her work?

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous Tense biasanya di gunakan untuk menunjukkan kejadian yang di mulai pada masa lampau dan masih berlanjut sampai saat ini.

Rumus Fungsi Positif

Subject + has/have + been + Verb-ing + Complement
  • You have been working here since 2012
  • She has been speaking for the last 2 hours

Rumus Fungsi Negatif

Subject + has/have + not + been + Verb-ing + Complement
  • You have not been working here since 2012
  • She has not been speaking for the last 2 hours

Rumus Fungsi Interogatif

has/have + Subject + been + Verb-ing + Complement?
  • Have you been working here since 2012?
  • Has she been speaking for the last 2 hours?

Baca Juga: Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris IV Tes Awal Akhir Pertemuan

Penjelasan Dan Contoh Tenses Bahasa Inggris Dalam Bentuk “Past”

1. Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense biasa di gunakan untuk menunjukan suatu kejadian pada masa lampau.

Rumus Fungsi Positif

Subject + Verb2 + Complement
Subject + was/were + Complement
  • I worked hard for that company
  • He worked hard for that company
  • You were smart
  • She was smart

Rumus Fungsi Negatif

Subject + did not + Verb1 + Complement
Subject + was/were + not + Complement
  • I did not work hard for that company
  • He did not work hard for that company
  • You were not smart
  • She was not smart

Rumus Fungsi Interogatif

Did + Subject + Verb1 + Complement?
Was/were + Subject + Complement?
  • Did I work hard for that company?
  • Did he work hard for that company?
  • Were you smart?
  • Was she smart?

2. Past Continous Tense

Past Continous Tense biasanya di gunakan untuk menunjukkan kejadian yang sedang terjadi pada masa lampau.

Rumus Fungsi Positif

Subject + was/were + Verb-ing + Complement
  • I was studying English when he comes

Rumus Fungsi Negatif

Subject + was/were + not + Verb-ing + Complement
  • I was not studying English when he comes

Rumus Fungsi Interogatif

Was/were + Subject + Verb-ing + Complement?
  • was I studying English when he comes?

3. Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense biasanya di gunakan untuk menunjukan sebuah kejadian yang terjadi sebelum waktu tertentu di masa lampau dan lebih menekankan pada hasil dari durasi kejadiannya.

Rumus Fungsi Positif

Subject + had + Verb3 + Complement
  • I had finished my work before I met up with my superiors yesterday

Rumus Fungsi Negatif

Subject + had + not + Verb3 + Complement
  • I had not finished my work before I met up with my superiors yesterday

Rumus Fungsi Interogatif

Had + Subject + Verb3 + Complement?
  • Had I finished my work before I met up with my superiors yesterday?

4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Perfect Continuous Tense biasanya di gunakan untuk menunjukkan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lalu dan sudah selesai pada waktu tertentu namun di masa lalu juga.

Rumus Fungsi Positif

Subject + had + been + Verb-ing + Complement
  • You had been singing for an hour

Rumus Fungsi Negatif

Subject + had + not + been + Verb-ing + Complement
  • You had not been singing for an hour

Rumus Fungsi Interogatif

Had + Subject + been + Verb-ing + Complement?
  • Had you been singing for an hour?

Penjelasan Dan Contoh Tenses Bahasa Inggris Dalam Bentuk “Future”

1. Simple Future Tense

Simple Future Tense biasanya di gunakan untuk menunjukan suatu keadaan yang terjadi di masa depan.

Rumus Fungsi Positif

Subject + will/be going to + Verb1 + Complement
  • I will work hard for my success
  • I am going to work hard for my success

Rumus Fungsi Negatif

Subject + will not / be not going to + Verb1 + Complement
  • I will not work hard for my success
  • I am not going to work hard for my success

Rumus Fungsi Interogatif

Will + Subject + Verb1 + Complement?
Be + Subject + going to + Verb1 + Complement?
  • Will I work hard for my success?
  • am I going to work hard for my success?

2. Future Continous Tense

Future Continous Tense biasanya di gunakan untuk menunjukan suatu keadaan yang akan terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.

Rumus Fungsi Positif

Subject + will / be going to+ be + Verb-ing + Complement
  • I will be studying English
  • You are going to be studying English

Rumus Fungsi Negatif

Subject + will not / be not going to + be + Verb-ing + Complement
  • I will not be studying English
  • You are not going to be studying English

Rumus Fungsi Interogatif

Am/are/is + Subject + Verb-ing + Complement?
  • Will I be studying English?
  • Are you going to be studying English?

3. Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense biasanya di gunakan untuk menunjukan kejadian yang akan berakhir di masa depan.

Rumus Fungsi Positif

Subject + will have + Verb3 + Complement
  • I will have finished my work

Rumus Fungsi Negatif

Subject + will not have + Verb3 + Complement
  • I will not have finished my work

Rumus Fungsi Interogatif

Will + Subject + have Verb3 + Complement?
  • Will I have finished my work?

4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Future Perfect Continuous Tense biasanya di gunakan untuk menunjukan aksi yang akan terus terjadi pada masa depan.

Rumus Fungsi Positif

Subject + will + have + been + Verb-ing + Complement
  • In 2022, she will have been working here for 7 years

Rumus Fungsi Negatif

Subject + will + not + have + been + Verb-ing + Complement
  • In 2022, she will not have been working here for 7 years

Rumus Fungsi Interogatif

Will + Subject + have + been + Verb-ing + Complement?
  • In 2022, will she have been working here for 7 years?

Baca Juga: Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris Pada Tes Pertemuan Awal Dan Akhir

Penjelasan Dan Contoh Tenses Bahasa Inggris Dalam Bentuk ” Past Future”

1. Past Future Tense

Past Future Tense bisanya di gunakan untuk menunjukan aksi yang akan di lakukan pada masa lalu namun gagal (rancana yang gagal terjadi).

Rumus Fungsi Positif

Subject + would/should + Verb1 + Complement
  • I would come to your home if you invited me

Rumus Fungsi Negatif

Subject + would/should + not + Verb1 + Complement
  • I would not come to your home if you did not invite me

Rumus Fungsi Interogatif

Would/should + Subject + Verb1 + Complement?
  • Would I come to your home if you invited me?

2. Past Future Continous Tense

Past Future Continous Tense biasanya di gunakan untuk menunjukan suatu kejadian di masa lampau dan akan berlangsung hingga waktu tertentu di masa lampau.

Rumus Fungsi Positif

Subject + would/should + be + Verb-ing + Complement
  • I would be studying if you did not disturb me yesterday

Rumus Fungsi Negatif

Subject + would/should + not + be + Verb-ing + Complement
  • I would not be studying if you did not disturb me yesterday

Rumus Fungsi Interogatif

Would/should + Subject + be + Verb-ing + Complement?
  • Would I be studying if you did not disturb me yesterday?

3. Past Future Perfect Tense

Past Future Perfect Tense biasanya di gunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu aksi yang sudah dilakukan pada masa lampau, namun ternyata tidak di lakukan (Rencana yang gagal).

Rumus Fungsi Positif

Subject + would/should + have + Verb3 + Complement
  • I would have bought a new home if I had enough money

Rumus Fungsi Negatif

Subject + would/should + not + have + Verb3 + Complement
  • I would not have bought a new home if I had enough money

Rumus Fungsi Interogatif

Would/should + Subject + be + Verb3 + Complement?
  • Would I have bought a new home if I had enough money?

4. Past Future Perfect Continuous

Past Future Perfect Continuous biasanya di gunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang akan sudah dan masih sedang di lakukan pada masa lampau, namun sebenarnya tidak terjadi.

Rumus Fungsi Positif

Subject + would/should + have + been + Verb-ing + Complement
  • She would have been waiting for me for 2 hours yesterday but she had gone at 9.00 PM

Rumus Fungsi Negatif

Subject + would/should not + have + been + Verb-ing + Complement
  • She would not have been waiting for me for 2 hours yesterday but she had gone at 9.00 PM

Rumus Fungsi Interogatif

Would/should + Subject + have + been + Verb-ing + Complement?
  • Would she have been waiting for me for 2 hours yesterday?

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